Fr. Andre’s visit was such a gift to St. Rose. We want to thank all the parishioners for the warmwelcome. And, thank you for supporting our FUNDING THE FUTURE fund drive. Fr. Andreanticipates an enrollment of 400 children. Parents pay a tuition fee of $6 which goes towardsteacher salaries and maintenance of the school buildings. Parents are expected to provide schooluniforms which can be purchased in flea markets in Cap-Haitien. We used to have the sewingclass offer to make uniforms; but, the materials needed cost more than what is available in the fleamarkets. Our goal for FUNDING THE FUTURE is $10,000. Obviously, a $6 tuition fee doesn’tcover all the cost. But, Fr. Andre believes, and we agree, that when one pays for a service, it isviewed as more valuable than what is free. The average weekly income in Robillard is less than$3.00. Therefore, our donations to FUNDING THE FUTURE supplement the cost of educatingeach child. And, yes, there are children who are fully sponsored. Besides the uniform, each childmust wear underpants, socks and shoes. Some children come to school with mix-matched shoesor flip-flops.
If you are still interested in donating to this need, please write a check to St. Rose Church. In thememo line, please write HAITI EDUCATION. Place the check in the Sunday collection. Yourdonation is tax deductible. Thank you again for your support. To date Saint Rose parishionershave donated approximately $13,165. Woo-hoo!
Communication with Fr. Andre can be done through emails: