Thank you, St. Rose Parishioners, for your generous response to our collection of items to ship to Haiti. Thanks to Frank Bordash for organizing and running the show. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped us pack, seal boxes, label and load the truck. And thanks to Gary Wisniewski for trucking our shipment to a warehouse. At the warehouse, all parishes supporting a sister parish in Haiti bring their items, too.
Pallets are filled by parishes, placed in areas designated for the “departments” in Haiti. Each pallet is shrink-wrapped to keep the items stable. Then, department by department they are loaded into sea containers. Trucks haul all these sea containers to a port in Florida and shipped to Port-au-Prince. All the pallets are downloaded keeping departments together. Once the entire shipment passes through Haitian Customs, the priests are called and given a date to come and pick up their donations. Fr. Andre and several other parishes in his area rent large trucks and bring the items north to each parish. The process is daunting; yet, very few items are lost. Again, thank you for your generosity! As soon as Fr. Andre has everything under his care, he will email us and we can celebrate another successful shipment.