Building New to replace the Marian Center

06-16-2024Campaign Progress

After lengthy investigation and consultation with active parishioners, church and school employees, ministry leaders and volunteers, the decision has been made and approved by the Parish Council, to build a new structure to replace the current Marian Center building. The assessment concluded that space is desperately needed to accommodate present and future needs for a growing parish and school.


Hundred-Dollar Heroes

06-02-2024Campaign Progress

Let us reflect on the invaluable legacy left by past generations, a treasure too easily overlooked in the rush of our daily lives. This Easter, let us take a moment to express our gratitude to the visionary heroes of Saint Rose of Lima whose dedication laid the very foundations of our present campus. They paved the way for future generations to encounter God. Because of their faith and devotion, we have inherited not only a beautiful church and a thriving school, but also a rich tapestry of stories, traditions, and values – an enduring spiritual inheritance.


Exciting News from Bishop Spalding!

04-29-2024Campaign ProgressFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, Peace.

I hope this message finds you well and filled with God’s blessings. I am delighted to share some wonderful news with you regarding our obligation to the Nashville Diocese’s Legacy of Faith, Hope and Love Campaign. Thanks to the graciousness of Bishop Spalding, our parish has been extended a 25% reduction from our $1,139,000 commitment to the diocesan campaign. This generous gesture reflects Bishop Spalding’s support for Saint Rose of Lima Parish and the vital work we do together as a community.


Pathway to Progress: April Update

04-21-2024Campaign Progress

Currently, we have six key program components in motion: the Master Plan and Funding, Marian Center, Athletic Field, Sanctuary, Columbarium, and New Gym.

Master Plan and Funding: We’ve presented the Master Plan to over a dozen different groups, receiving positive feedback. Engaging with various stakeholders has been fruitful, with constructive comments provided during and after the meetings. In May, we aim to meet with the Murfreesboro Planning Department to discuss our plans further. Funding: While our cash balance decreased this month due to our contribution of $854,250 to the Diocesan Legacy Campaign and design expenses, our cash total remains robust and continues to grow. However, all the funds needed for the Marian Center must be secured before construction can proceed. We’re pleased to note the growing membership in the Hundred Dollar Heroes initiative, where households contribute $100 monthly to support the program’s endeavors.


Pathways to Progress: Feasibility study results, Diocesan approvals and MORE!

03-17-2024Campaign ProgressFr. Chris Nunes

In our last update in January of this year, we stated that the Feasibility Study for the Marian Center Renovation was well underway. We had received approval from the Diocese legal team to enter into a contract on the Athletic Field Relocation Study and were planning to meet with the Saint Rose ONE Building Committee to present the preferred alternative for the Master Plan Update. We also reported that we had completed some clearing on the 30-acre Nature Sanctuary and finalized a federal grant request for EPIC funds to clear out the underbrush on this property.


A Message from Fr. Chris regarding the Capital Campaign

03-10-2024Campaign ProgressFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

From the beginning of our Capital Campaign, we have strived to provide transparency. Our Finance Committee has advised on financial matters and the Parish Council has prioritized our initiatives. Together, we have ensured that all decisions have addressed the parish’s needs, reflected our mission and served our community effectively.

As we further navigate the financial aspects of this campaign, I want to reiterate some important information I shared in the bulletin last October – our original goal, though carefully calculated, was based on cost estimates from 2020 when we initially completed the Master Plan. Our continued research and discussions with architects have proven our assumption that we will need a significant increase in participation and funds to finish phases I and II.


Pathway to Progress: Volunteers Needed!

01-28-2024Campaign Progress

Volunteers are needed to help with the capital campaign (e.g. mailings, planning events, calling nights, etc.). If you are interested in supporting our efforts in this capacity, please contact Karin Gleason via email at or call her at 615.898.0555, extension 1070.

Se necesitan voluntarios para ayudar con la campaña capital (por ejemplo, envíos por correo, planificación de eventos, noches de llamadas, etc.). Si está interesado en apoyar nuestros esfuerzos en esta capacidad, comuníquese con Karin Gleason por correo electrónico a o llámela al 615.898.0555, extensión 1070.

Pathway to Progress: International Festival 2024

01-14-2024Campaign Progress

Last year's International Festival was a huge success! Thank you to all who shared their culture through either food, song or dance. Thank you also to all who celebrated our diversity at Saint Rose of Lima, by attending.

In hopes of making this year's event even better, we need to start planning now! If you are interested in being a part of the 2024 team, please contact Karin Gleason via email: or phone: 615.898.0555, extension 1070.


Pathway to Progress: Parish presentations coming soon!

01-07-2024Campaign Progress

Since our last update in early December, progress on the Saint Rose Development has been ongoing, albeit not as robust as anticipated due to the holiday season. Nevertheless, we have made sufficient strides to forecast a busy January ahead.

In relation to the Marian Center, the structural engineer from Bauer Askew has conducted a comprehensive inspection, resulting in a forthcoming report detailing his findings. Overall, the building's structure is in good condition; however, they identified issues that may impact the optimal utilization of the space. A meeting with the architects is scheduled for mid- January to explore available options. We will provide a comprehensive update on our recommendations following that discussion.


Pathway to Progress: Contract Executed

12-03-2023Campaign Progress

In our most recent update, we shared significant progress in the realization of the Marian Center and Athletic Field Relocation projects. Following the announcement of the selection of designers in our previous update, we have concluded contract negotiations with Bauer Askew Architects for the Marian Center Renovation.

The contract has been reviewed by the Diocese, and we are delighted to announce its execution. To kick off this transformative endeavor, a project Kick Off meeting was conducted on Nov 29th with the Ministry Leaders representing the Food Pantry, Backpack Ministry, Bridge Ministry, Saint Rose Radio, Boy Scouts, and Knights of Columbus. These leaders, being primary users of the renovated facility and additional storage spaces, actively participated in discussions.