Religious Education Volunteer Catechist

The Five L’s of Vocation

LOOK for Christ in each person you meet.
to the voice of God and heed his Words.
to discern your gifts for serving the kingdom of God while you are here on earth.
LIVE every moment of your life for God - giving Him everything.
LOVE God and share that love with others.

Why Be a Catechist?

  1. Each of us receives special gifts to serve God and the Church. We are called to discern what our gifts are and how we are to use them to fulfill God’s plan. Did you know that supporting parents in sharing the faith with the youth is one of many important vocations?
  2. The Church needs you - not just our parish, but the universal Church needs dedicated disciples to pass on the faith and foster the love of Christ in our members.
  3. In order to grow in our faith, we need to challenge ourselves to learn from others and help others learn. Your knowledge of the faith will increase because you will learn while you disciple the students.
  4. Everything you say and do in your life is a model for our youth. If you prioritize catechesis and discipleship in your life, then our youth will know it is important.
  5. If you are reading this, perhaps God is calling you to be a catechist!

Our parish is in need of enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers to help create classroom opportunities for the youth to encounter and enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ. The time commitment is about 1.5 hours on 24 Sundays per year (a few extra dates for grades that are receiving Sacraments) and time spent preparing lessons. There is a day long Catechist retreat in August - several weeks before classes begin and FREE online required training offered year round. We provide resources to assist you with planning, materials for crafts or projects, tools for communicating with the parents, a Saint Rose Gmail for Religious Education communications, along with a strong support team.

If you have discerned catechesis is a vocation you are being called to and you want to disciple others but feel like you don’t know enough, please take a leap of faith and apply. We will help prepare you to lead in the classroom.

Do you already have past experience in catechesis? Sharing your gifts with others is very rewarding and we invite you to come take another look at Religious Education and consider being a part of the current Religious Education program. We’ve been making many beneficial and exciting changes and we need your experienced help to continue moving forward and bringing improvements to our Parish.

For our parish youth (ages 14+) who feel called to serve in the Religious Education program, the Assistant Catechist position is a great way to gain experience and be mentored. This position counts toward Service Hours for High School students and may be used for those applying for National Honor Society or other such awards.

We pray for God to bring us many joyful disciples to share the faith through catechesis!

Volunteer Catechist Application