Application for Missionary Hospitality

Thank you for your interest in providing housing for our 2024 Totus Tuus missionaries. They will be arriving late in the evening on the Friday before the week of camp and usually leave the following Friday. Before filling out the application, please make sure you are able to provide the following:

  1. Host families are asked to provide a light continental-style breakfast each morning (Sunday - Saturday), along with dinner on Sunday evening at 5:15 pm (this can be changed if needed).
  2. Missionaries may have dietary restrictions such as food allergies, gluten/dairy sensitivities, or other needs. We ask host families to take their needs into consideration when providing meals. (Host families will be notified of dietary restrictions, names of the missionaries they will be hosting, and other important details one week prior to their arrival.)
  3. Missionaries must have separate sleeping spaces from your family. They may share a room (2 or more missionaries) but may not share a bed (1 per bed/couch). Bed, couch, air mattress, or the floor are perfectly acceptable places for sleeping.